Winegrowers since 1650 Blason Domaine Derey
Domaine Derey



You are currently connected to the Domaine Derey website.

The user having access to this site agrees to comply with these conditions of use.



The edition of the Site is provided by DEREY FRERES, EARL with a capital of 34,209.56 euros, registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of RCS Dijon under number 389577750 whose head office is located at 1 rue Jules Ferry - 21160 Couchey , Telephone number 03 80 52 15 04, E-mail address:

Intra-community VAT number: FR50389577750

The Director of publication is Romain Derey.



The trademarks and logos appearing on this site are trademarks registered by Domaine Derey or the companies in its group. Their mention does not in any way grant a license or any right to use the said brands, which cannot therefore be used without the prior written consent of the owner of the brand under penalty of infringement.
All the information present on this site can be downloaded, reproduced, printed subject to:
- only use such information for personal purposes and in no way for commercial purposes;
- not modify such information;
- reproduce on all copies the mention of the copyright ("the copyright") of Domaine Derey.
Any other use not expressly authorized is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Domaine Derey.


The trademarks and logos appearing on this site are trademarks registered by Domaine Derey or the companies in its group. Their mention does not in any way grant a license or any right to use the said brands, which cannot therefore be used without the prior written consent of the owner of the brand under penalty of infringement.All the information present on this site can be downloaded, reproduced, printed subject to:- only use such information for personal purposes and in no way for commercial purposes;- not modify such information;- reproduce on all copies the mention of the copyright ("the copyright") of Domaine Derey.Any other use not expressly authorized is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Domaine Derey.



Development and hosting by Réseau Concept

19B avenue Albert Camus

21000 DIJON



All the information accessible via this site is provided as is.

Domaine Derey gives no guarantee, explicit or implicit, and assumes no liability relating to the use of this information.

Domaine Derey is not responsible for the accuracy, errors or omissions contained on this site. The user is solely responsible for the use of such information.

Domaine Derey reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, in particular by updating this site.

Domaine Derey cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, resulting from information contained on this site.

The user undertakes not to transmit on this site any information that could give rise to civil or criminal liability and therefore undertakes not to disclose via this site any information that is illegal, contrary to public order or defamatory.



Sites outside of Domaine Derey with a hypertext link to this site are not under the control of Domaine Derey, which therefore declines all responsibility for their content. The user is solely responsible for their use.

The creation of hypertext links to the Domaine Derey site is subject to the prior agreement of Domaine Derey. For any request, you can send a message on the site by selecting the "contacts" section.



For any comments on the functioning of the site, you can send a message in the "contacts" section.



Messages you send to us via the Internet may be intercepted on the network. Until they reach us, their confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.




Collection of personal data
Personal data is collected directly from Internet users when submitting the contact form. This personal data privacy policy describes the processing of personal data that DEREY FRERES implements within the framework of this site as well as the rights relating to the protection of users' personal data. The data controller is DEREY FRERES. DEREY FRERES determines the means and purposes of the processing of personal data collected via the website
The processing of personal data implemented by DEREY FRERES through its contact form is intended to:
• the management, processing and response to questions, requests and requests from users;
• the management and processing of requests for access, rectification, deletion of data, opposition or limitation of processing.

Collection of personal dataPersonal data is collected directly from Internet users when submitting the contact form. This personal data privacy policy describes the processing of personal data that DEREY FRERES implements within the framework of this site as well as the rights relating to the protection of users' personal data. The data controller is DEREY FRERES. DEREY FRERES determines the means and purposes of the processing of personal data collected via the website
PurposesThe processing of personal data implemented by DEREY FRERES through its contact form is intended to:• the management, processing and response to questions, requests and requests from users;• the management and processing of requests for access, rectification, deletion of data, opposition or limitation of processing.




Personal data processed

The personal data collected and processed in order to respond to user requests are as follows: surname, first name, email address and telephone

For the production of statistics: its connection logs and IP addresses


Accuracy and updating of data

It is the responsibility of users providing their information to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. By validating the form, the user declares and guarantees to have read this privacy policy and agrees to respect it.



Users' personal data is processed by the various DEREY FRERES departments (communication and marketing). Under no circumstances will the personal data collected by DEREY FRERES be transmitted to third parties for commercial purposes. There is no provision for the transfer of personal data to countries that do not have an adequate level of protection within the meaning of the legislation in force.


Data retention period

The personal data collected is kept and used for a period in accordance with the legislation and/or standards in force. Consequently, the personal data collected is deleted upon the occurrence of one of the following events:

• end of the retention period.

• exercise of the right of deletion by a user in accordance with the applicable regulations and the procedures specified in the point “Right of access, rectification and erasure/limitation/opposition” below.


Right of access/rectification and erasure/limitation/objection

In accordance with the applicable regulations, users have the right to access, rectify, erase and limit their personal data processed by DEREY FRERES. Users also have the right to oppose the processing of their personal data for prospecting purposes. These rights can be exercised by the user, without having to indicate the reason and at any time, by sending a letter to the following address: DEREY FRERES 1 rue Jules Ferry - 21160 Couchey. The user also has the right to refer any complaint relating to how DEREY FRERES collects and processes its personal data.


Security and Privacy

DEREY FRERES implements organisational, technical, software and physical measures in terms of digital security to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and DEREY FRERES cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet.



Browsing on the website is based on the use of technical cookies (session cookie), which are essential for the proper functioning of the website on the user's terminal.



The hypertext links present on the website directing Internet users to other websites do not engage the responsibility of DEREY FRERES as to the content of these sites and sites to which new links could refer. Any natural or legal person wishing to establish a hypertext link pointing to the website must first obtain the express and prior authorization of DEREY FRERES to request by mail to the address indicated above.


Intellectual property

The content of the website (texts, technical documents, drawings, photographs, etc.) remains the property of DEREY FRERES, the sole holder of the intellectual property rights to this content. Users agree not to make any use of this content; any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and is likely to constitute an offense of counterfeiting.


Modification of the personal data privacy policy

DEREY FRERES reserves the right to make any changes to this personal data policy at any time. If a modification is made, DEREY FRERES undertakes to publish the new version on its site.

By continuing to browse this site, I accept that the Domaine Derey website keeps my visit statistics.
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